New ATM EXP Ninja Saga Update Januari 2013
New ATM EXP Ninja Saga Update Januari 2013 - New ATM EXP Ninja Saga Update Januari 2013, Atm Exp Hack working for level up, cheat atm exp ninja saga easy for use, just put the level you want, and wait delay, so you can level up aoutomatic, the cheat use fiddler tools, and file swf, how to use cheat atm exp ninja saga :
step :
1. Open fiddler
2. Download file Swf and darg file swf to fiddler
3. Don't forget clear cache you browse
4. Open Ninja Saga
5. Go to Headquarters Room
6. If need password you can download password
New ATM EXP Ninja Saga Update Januari 2013
File :
Server 1 : Swf ATM EXP
Server 2 : SWF ATM Exp
Password For RAR File and Leveling ATM ( see here,.!! )
NB : Buat Semua,. Pilih Server 2 untuk Download ATM EXP
Tulis commentsksaih tauh dong cara download fidller nya mas
Replykyknya udh update baru gan :3